Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pop Mech's Electric Sheep: Oh, the excitement...

In keeping with our policy of er... lifting the veil and bringing you closer to the PM Team, we'd like to introduce the Electric Sheep, a rather unusual floating trophy inspired by Philip K Dick's almost-eponymous story, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? It's presented irregularly - that is, we generally forget - to staff members who excel in various fields, or alternatively, manage to stay out of trouble for at least a month.

Our sheep started out as a scruffy but utterly sincere-looking animal (Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertibrata, Class Mammalia, Order Ungulata) with red LED eyes. We then made the mistake of awarding him to a member of the marketing department, who turned him into an outrageously tasteless trans-gender thing with false eyelashes, painted toenails and worse... the Liberace of the pastures. In the final humiliation, this time courtesy of our HR Executive, he gained two fairy wings and a tiara.
It's worth noting that competition for this award has since fallen off sharply. Previous recipients would like it known that they at no point actively solicited recognition in the sheep category.
* Your comments are invited.

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