Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Harness the Energy of the Universe!

Picture: NASA
Many people use the word “quantum” without fully understanding its meaning. The highly respected team of scientists working with Bio-Force Feedback Inc are different: they have explored the depths of this sub-microscopic energy resource and come up with a product that is quite literally set to change the world.

Meet the Quantum Energy Bracelet, a stylish and extraordinarily effective wristband that is already improving the performance of sportsmen and women across the world. Endorsed by a host of celebrities, including Area 54 star Todd Halkett and superhero Black Rider from Saving the World, this wristband has rapidly become a must-have fashion accessory as well as an essential health enhancer. The good news is that it’s now available in South Africa – at a price that sounds too good to be true!

Are you listless? Have you lost interest in life and love? Do your muscles lack tone? Does your brain feel fuzzy when it should be alert? Worry no longer – this amazing bracelet, which exploits the well-documented scientific phenomenon known as quantum tunnelling, is about to change your life. What makes our product better than those “holographic” and “bio-antenna” bracelets? Simple – it’s a question of real science versus pseudoscience.

How does our bracelet work? Here’s an easy scientific explanation. As we all know, the subatomic world is filled with an invisible “quantum foam” of virtual particles that continually pop in and out of existence. One of the field interactions associated with virtual particles is the Coulomb force (static electric force) between electric charges, caused by the exchange of virtual photons. In symmetric three-dimensional space, this exchange results in the inverse square law for electric force. Since the photon has no mass, the Coulomb potential has an infinite range. The key is to contain and redirect that valuable energy.

This is where the Quantum Energy Bracelet comes in. Employing a unique amalgam of rare metals with zero-rated gravitational effects (worldwide patent pending) combined with two graphene-impregnated spheres, it effectively channels the virtual photons throughout the wearer’s body. Since the amalgam is zero-rated, there is minimal loss through electromagnetic leakage, allowing the skin to contain and maximise the beneficial effects throughout the body and brain.
Picture: Bio-Force Feedback Inc.
We’re proud to announce that our bracelet is being tested by leading science and technology journal Popular Mechanics, which has undertaken to pass on expressions of interest from potential customers. If you’d be interested in purchasing a Quantum Energy Bracelet for the low introductory price of R299,95, please send an e-mail to our retail consultants at with the words “Quantum Energy Bracelet” in the subject line.

Go on – change your life!

(* Not really. Credulity is a dangerous thing.)


  1. With infinite energy, I can attach one of those to my beach-buggy, powered by my mom's old Hoover and drive on rainbows and starlight forever...
    Mayhap I should get one as a satirical middle-finger salute to that unsaid holo-bunch-o-crap-bracelet.

  2. Damn. The subtext suggests that you're sceptical about this bracelet, too. Is there no end to the cynicism and incredulity of modern humans? Next, you'll be telling us there's no truth in homeopathic theory. For the record, several PM staff have tried the Quantum Energy Bracelet, and the voices in their heads have completely disappeared.
